Who is Inspex for

Letting Agents

Inspex provides letting agents and property managers with independent private rented sector (PRS) inspection services that verify whether rented property meets minimum accommodation standards as per the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019. As failure to comply with these standards can result in the prosecution of your unsuspecting landlord clients, our standardised inspection practices gives you the confidence to know a rented property's condition vis-à-vis standards is being captured and verified.

While Inspex, PRS specialists, is the only company to have developed the mobile technology that evaluates rented property against minimum standards, it's the wealth of experience we've gained over years of working with local authorities, that makes the difference between doing an inspection of a rented property and ensuring the best possible outcome for your client landlords.

The Government’s Action Plan - Housing for All is still considered relevant when it identified the PRS as key to rebalancing the housing sector. The plan highlights that consistent and fair enforcement of minimum accommodation standards in the PRS is a critical component to underpinning the success of this sector. Your compliant and responsible client landlords are entitled to know that the minimum accommodation standards are being enforced and that the local authority inspection regime is successfully detecting the non-compliant and irresponsible landlords.

Remember, failure to comply with minimum accommodation standards is being detected and will result in financial penalties for unwitting landlords. Take good advice, choose to outsource inspections of private rented housing to Inspex.